What are the top 10 significant migrations or refugee movements around the world this year?

What are the top 10 significant migrations or refugee movements around the world this year?

Here are ten significant migrations or refugee movements that have occurred around the world in 2021:

1. Afghanistan: With the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, there has been a significant displacement of people within the country and neighboring countries, such as Pakistan, Iran, and Tajikistan.

2. Central America to the United States: Many people from Central American countries, including Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, continue to make the dangerous journey to seek asylum or better economic opportunities in the United States.

3. Ethiopia: Due to ongoing conflicts and violence in regions like Tigray and Benishangul-Gumuz, thousands of Ethiopians have been forced to flee their homes, seeking refuge in Sudan and other neighboring countries.

4. Myanmar: Following the military coup in February 2021, there has been a surge in the number of refugees fleeing Myanmar, particularly the Rohingya minority, to countries like Bangladesh, Malaysia, and India.

5. Colombia and Venezuela: The political and economic crisis in Venezuela has led to a significant number of Venezuelans fleeing to neighboring Colombia and seeking refuge there due to the deteriorating conditions in their home country.

6. Democratic Republic of Congo: Ongoing conflicts and violence in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly in North Kivu and Ituri, have resulted in the displacement of thousands of people within the country and to neighboring Uganda.

7. Somalia: Internal conflicts, drought, and food insecurity have forced many Somalis to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring countries, particularly Kenya and Ethiopia.

8. Yemen: The ongoing war and humanitarian crisis in Yemen have resulted in the displacement of millions within the country and into neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Djibouti.

9. Libya: Libya continues to be a major transit route for migrants and refugees trying to reach Europe. Many individuals from sub-Saharan African countries undertake dangerous journeys across the Mediterranean Sea, seeking safety and better opportunities in Europe.

10. Syria: Though the Syrian conflict started in 2011, there continues to be a significant displacement of Syrians within the country and to neighboring countries such as Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon, as the conflict and humanitarian crisis persist.

Please note that the list above covers several significant migration and refugee movements but is not exhaustive, as there are other movements and crises impacting different regions around the world.